🌺Sadgurustavan Atmasphuran by Tulasi Amma– Series 30🌺

The worship of my Guru Nityananda, the worship of the Eternal, always contemplate Him deep within your heart, the king of all Yogis. Sadguru is the Sun of wisdom who dispels the darkness of ignorance, bestower of supreme wisdom who protects the disciples making them fearless. When we reminiscing Him unceasingly our mind is always absorbed in Joy of Self, says Nirmala Anandi ‘I am ever absorbed in His Dhyaan, whom I have realised is none other than God’💙🌺✨


Mājhī dēvapūjā- yā cālīvara,

nityānandapūjā| Nandapūjā| Hr̥dīṁ smarā yōgirājā|1|
Sadguru jñānaravī| Ajña tamātēṁ nivārī |2|
Guru jñānācā dātā| Varu dē’ī abhayatrātā |3| Akhaṇḍa tyācēṁ cintana| Sarvadā ātmānandī mana |4|
Nirmala ānandī dhyāna| Nityānanda dēvaci jāṇa |5|


माझी देवपूजा-या चालीवर,

नित्यानंदपूजा । नंदपूजा । हृदीं स्मरा योगिराजा ॥ १ ॥
सद्गुरु ज्ञानरवी । अज्ञ तमातें निवारी ॥ २ ॥
गुरु ज्ञानाचा दाता । वरु देई अभयत्राता ॥ ३ ॥
अखंड त्याचें चिंतन। सर्वदा आत्मानंदी मन ॥ ४ ॥
निर्मल आनंदी ध्यान । नित्यानंद देवचि जाण ॥ ५ ॥

At the holy feet of Parabrahma Nityananda🌸🌺🌷💐💙
Nityananda Dhyana Mandir Bevinkoppa

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