🌺Sadgurustavan Atmasphuran by Tulasi Amma– Series 25🌺

I offer my obeisance to the Guru who is the form of true bliss of consciousness, manifestation of true form who bestows complete joy to all, who is the supreme witness and support of the universe, who has adorned the entire creation, we must offer our Salutations before the beginning of any work💙🌺✨

Saccid’dhanasvarūpāya| Satyarūpadharāya ca| Sarvānandapradānāya|Sarvasākṣi parātpara||
Saccid’dhanasvarūpāya| Sarvajagad’dharāya ca| sarva jagadbhūṣaṇāya| Sarvārambha namō namaḥ ||20||

॥ श्लोक ।॥

सच्चिद्धनस्वरूपाय। सत्यरूपधराय च । सर्वानंदप्रदानाय ।सर्वसाक्षि परात्पर । सच्चिद्धनस्वरूपाय । सर्वजगद्धराय च | सर्व जगद्भूषणाय। सर्वारंभ नमो नमः ॥ २० ॥

At the holy feet of Parabrahma Nityananda🌸🌺🌷💐💙
Nityananda Dhyana Mandir Bevinkoppa

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