🌺Sadgurustavan Atmasphuran by Tulasi Amma– Series 16🌺

Guru is the bestower of knowledge, destroying all our fears and worries and selfishness, He fulfils all our desires. He is the master of yoga as he scrutinises and destroys all the three Gunas and confers right knowledge, He is the bestower of divine wisdom💙🌺✨

Guru jñānadātā| Urū nēdi cintā| Puravīla mātā| Urū nēdi svārtha|
Guṇā nirasītā| Junā yōgadātā| Suvidyosi dētā| Subudicā dātā ||11||

गुरु ज्ञानदाता । उरू नेदि चिंता । पुरवील माता। उरू नेदि स्वार्थ ॥ गुणा निरसीता । जुना योगदाता। सुविद्योसि देता। सुबुद्धिचा दाता ॥ ११ ॥

At the holy feet of Parabrahma Nityananda🌸🌺🌷💐💙
Nityananda Dhyana Mandir Bevinkoppa

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