Mumbai ‘s D. B. Salian couple are Param Bhaktha’ s of Bhagwan Nithyananda and Bala Yogi Pujya Karunakar Swami. Bhagwan Nithyananda and Bala Yogi Pujya Karunakar Swami are being worshiped daily in their house as they are the only God in their life as no other God exists to them. Their Daughter Pramila Poojary and son in law Anand Poojary, even this couple follow the same pattern of worship in their life.
On 5-5-2019 both Pramila and Anand were given the Granth ” Avadhootha Bhagwan Nithyananda” which is beie written by Pujya Swami Vijayananda from Bevinakoppa by Subhash Amin. As they wished to do Parayana of this great granth as they came to through Subhash Amin that every word of this contained the apara Shakti of Bhagwan Nithyananda and so started to do the parayan. Every morning the couple without fail would get up at 4.30 am and do Dhyana and during their free time they would chant the Devine mantra ” Om Namo Bhagavathe Nithyanandaya” and nama smarana of Bhagwan Nithyananda.
On 30-4-2020 early morning around 4.30 when the couple sat down for Dhyana – Suddenly Pramila could see a vision of a beautiful, wonderful temple where Bhagwan Nithyananda was being worshiped. Seeing this Pramila with in fraction of seconds was filled with joy and tears rolled down for her cheeks. “Avadhootha Bhagwan Nithyananda” had blessed her with his Darshan – she was being also blessed with shakthipath deeksha as she could feel the Devine experience of it – tears rolled down from her cheeks. Bhagwan Nithyananda ‘s Leelas are Adhbhutha.
🙏 Namo Nithyanadaya 🙏
Narration and details given by – Subhash. D. Amin