Nityananda Dhyana Mandir means the “Meditation Temple of Nityananda”.
Nityananda is a state. The state of Eternal Bliss, which was introduced to the world by Parabrahma Nityananda, who came in a human body but was the manifestation of the Supreme itself. He was mysteriously found as a baby in the deep jungles of Kerala by a poor woman named Uniamma, passing that way. She saw that the baby was guarded by a cobra until she came and it soon left, prompting her to pick the baby and bring it home. Before passing away, she offered the child named “Raman” to her wealthy landlord and lawyer Shri. Ishwar Iyer, who then raised him until about the age of 13. But the child was a divine incarnate and he could be not be caught in the clutches of Maya as any other ordinary being. The child began wandering alone since his early adolescence into the Himalayas and other parts of the world, undocumented. He appeared exactly at the house of his fosterfather’s death and fulfilled his father’s life-long wish of having “darshan” (divine glimpse) of Suryanarayan (Sun God) that he worshiped all his life, and that eternal peace and bliss that he received just before his physical death, he exclaimed to the child, “You have brought me eternal bliss; you are Nityananda! (eternal bliss).” Since then he was known as NITYANANDA.
Nityananda walked unattached and always immersed in that Eternal Bliss. He touched countless lives wherever he went and soon his extraordinary feats and miracles came to be known in the Kerala, Karnataka and Maharastra, which were the three states that he was seen most in. After having spent about 25 years in and around Kanhangad, Kerala, he then moved to Ganeshpuri near Mandagni Mountains of Maharastra, where he spent the rest of his life in this physical embodiment doing many wonderous transformations into the people’s lives and also blessing hundreds of Yogis and seekers, from around the globe, who then became great torch bearers on the path of truth and light, influences lakhs of other seekers around the globe.
To read more about Parabrahma Nityananda, click here.
Out of the many lives that Nityananda profoundly touched, Swami Vijayananda was another soul who was immensely touched and benefitted by the grace of Parabrahma Nityananda. Swami Vijayananda then took up the mission of spreading the divine love and light of his eternal master and walked the path of the Avadhootas and Yogis, alone and in total surrender. Having undergone a life of extreme hardship and challenges, Swami Vijayananda made it through all odds, never failing to touch countless lives he came across. As destiny and grace had called upon, he finally was made to settle in a village called
Bevinkoppa, where this ashram sprouted out on it’s own, which was proclaimed by many saints and seers as the blessed land of Siddhas. To know more about Swamiji and his life, click here.
It was in this land that Nityananda Dhyana Mandir manifested, where Oneness is the highest practiced quality, where people and beings regardless of their religion, caste, culture, faiths are accepted, where all live in Oneness. The visitors to Nityananda Dhyana Mandir have been many, many Avadhoots, saints, and mystics, who have meditated and stayed here, which makes this place even more blessed. A place where Swamiji lives very much in touch with all around, eating with them, talking with them, meditating with them and living with them.
Nityananda Dhyana Mandir began as a small place of worship, next to the humble hut of Swami Vijayananda, but soon visitors began pouring in after the many miracles and profound transformation people began witnessing after coming here. Soon, this grew up to an ashram that all these years have been serving humanity in various ways with many humanitarian projects undertaken. Hundreds of poor village children regularly have meals here that is organized under the Balbhojan activities, which was the highest service propagated by Bhagwan Nityananda though his own such examples of feeding poor children.
Few children of the poor villagers live and serve the ashram and also simultaneously receiving food, education and other spiritual training from the ashram. The biggest project towards helping mankind was in the opening of the Ayurvedic and natural healing and rejuvenation centernamed Nityananda Arogya Dham that also has a residential doctor and all facilities much amidst the natural setting and vicinity of the ashram.
The activities at the Nityananda Dhyana Mandir begins at 5 a.m. in the morning, though Swamiji’s routines begin at 3:30 am. The whole day has various divine activities that keeps the atmosphere of the ashram vibrant.